Saturday 5 December 2009

Finding out you will be a mum

I always knew I would have children, always heard they change your life and you can't remember what life was like before they came. I can't begin to tell you how true that is.
Being pregnant was the best time of my life. As a woman I felt alive, and beautiful and fulfilled. Knowing I was building a life inside me, creating this tiny perfect little person. There were times of feeling fat and ugly and sick! But then I would feel this little person move inside me, hear their heartbeat and remember what amazing miracle was happening right there. So the start of the biggest but most life changing decision began to take happen.
Finding out I was going to have a baby felt nothing to what I was expecting it to feel. It felt like it took forever to get pregnant. The morning the test came back positive I had to double take, look at myself again in the mirror. I was sure it must be wrong, it couldn't actually be happening!
My husband was downstairs and I dreamed of this excited, crying union, realising we were actually going to have a baby. That is not quite what happened! As I stood infront of the television, simply to distract him from watching the football so I could tell him the news. Telling him I have taken a test and it is positive, his response? "oh! ok well lets wait until next week and see what the doctor says" Not at all what I was expecting! Bearing in mind we had planned and wanted to get pregnant. It was such a shock to both of us though that it was actually happening it just didn't feel real. Not really until the 20 week scan!

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